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What Happened Today?

This is where we will tell you what we have been up to each day and include a picture or two each day.  We will try and offer Skype once or twice on the trip depending on WiFi and connectivity.  Failing that, pictures, blog updates and maybe a video will be uploaded as often as the WiFi permits.

Day 1. They are off


Well they made it off ok this morning at 7am.  All the students were there on time - some keen students were there at 6:15am - right Ansh?  Today may be a bit busy as they settle in.  Check in tomorrow and we should have more updates.  

Overall, they were excited, but at the same time you could see that they were going to miss regular classes desperately while they were away.  Yeah right! haha

Day 2. No Internet


 I spoke with Dr. Barretto last night and unfortunately there is no internet or wifi so daily updates may be difficult and Skype will unfortunately not be possible.  He told me that they made it there safely without any problems and the students were all settled in and divided into their groups.  The day was extremely hot and dry which was difficult for the students.  There was a variety show and the students had a lot of fun with that.

I will update as often as Dr Barretto is able to call.

Any concerns please contact

LeAnn Stanhope

Day 3. Successful!


Today the students started painting the mural for the school.  They had spent the day yesterday preparing the surface; removing nails and posters etc.  The Health and Hygiene group had a successful day in the lessons they helped to deliver.  The English teaching group found their lessons very effective and the students seemed to really enjoy it.  The whether today was very rainy and made the ground very muddy but still a good time was had by all.

Day 4. Last Full Day Already!

The students have expressed a bit of sadness at having to go so soon.  They have made a lot of friends and they were all reflecting on the fun times together.  The students handed out the gifts they brought; toothbrushes, Notebooks and a commemorative plate Dr Chan had made for the school.  It was a bit emotional for the students which is a good sign that the trip was a success in helping them to see the world through new eyes.  See you tomorrow!


Day 5. Coming Home

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